Censia Product Updates: Streamlined UI, Better Search, Direct Export and More!

At Censia, we constantly strive to make all talent and workforce-related matters smarter, better, fairer, and faster. That’s why were’ excited to announce a handful of new updates that are going live today. There are quite a few, so hang on to your hats!

First: User Interface Updates

OK, we heard you! Censia can be a lot! That’s why we went ahead and made key changes to our interface including: 

We moved the Quick Search to the top of the screen for quick and easy access. To sweeten the deal, we also expanded its functionality so you can search for skills, schools, and degrees in your slate. 

Oh! And did you spot the little triangle made out of lines right next to that? That is where our filters went. You can now slice and dice your information in exciting new ways, including using our Censia X-Factors. 

Now, I bet you want us to tell you what X-Factors are, but no! We want you to go check them out for yourself! We trust you’ll be impressed! 

And then, on the right-hand side, our brave little Share Button awaits to help you collaborate with your team! 

New Functions

In this latest release, we are adding some new functions you’ve been asking for. Here’s what they are: 

OK, let’s start with a big thumbs up! You can now rank candidates as a great fit in addition to a good fit and not a fit, making your slate a whole lot more awesome! 

And what’s that dropdown next to the ranking? Well, I am glad you asked! It’s an improved way of quickly updating the candidates on your slate as you move along! 

You can now spot Application History whenever an H with a yellow exclamation mark pops up. This will reveal when the candidate was in yoru slate before, and for what role. 

We also introduced a new tab design that lets you see Passive External Talent and Rediscovered Talent in their own tabs. In the past this required a separate search with different configurations when connected to an ATS. 

In the same vein, you can now also distinguish between Applicants and Recruited Prospects via a label directly on the slate. 

A new feature called Quick Access to Important Tags. Boring name, yes! But it will allow you to quickly access any tags you’ve marked as important to update them. This is very useful if you’ve selected too many and over-narrowed your search, and will save you time and spare you from updating them in the left-hand drawer, which let’s admit it: was always a little tedious. 

And finally, an additional function allows you to export candidates to a connected ATS from the candidate card, so when you find that perfect fit, you can quickly move them along to the next stage of consideration. 

Alright! That covers the updates to our software with this latest release. As always, if you have any questions, reach out! We love to hear from you! 

Further Reading

Censia Product Updates: Streamlined UI, Better Search, Direct Export and More!

Censia’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Censia Product Updates: Streamlined UI, Better Search, Direct Export and More!

Forget the Glass Ceiling. Here’s how to fix the Broken Rung.


Censia Product Updates: Streamlined UI, Better Search, Direct Export and More!

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