What Kinds of Talent Insights can AI Deliver?

Predictive AI for Talent Insights

Is your organization leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and data-derived talent insights when it comes to talent identification, recruitment, and nurturing? If not, you could be falling behind the curve. With recruitment becoming more sprawling and complex by the day, using AI to surface top talent and facilitate best hires is becoming a given. 

According to SHRM, consulting firm Mercer’s Global Talent Trends 2019 report noted that a full sixty percent of U.S.-based companies have made plans to increase their use of workplace automation, with HR finally beginning to catch up to sales and marketing departments.

Identify Core Competencies

Sourcing candidates with the required core competencies is easier with AI on the job to rapidly filter candidates for needed skills, even if the candidate did not list them all on their resumé. Roughly two-thirds of those working in talent acquisition surveyed desperately need insights that will improve their ability to identify candidates without spending hours sifting through resumes. 

You need more than a simple keyword matcher to pull ideal candidates out of the pile. Competency is only one factor in a well-rounded candidate, and more complex AI solutions are needed to match candidates to openings for culture add. Fortunately, the ability to blind resumes provides a process that is less biased and allows competent candidates to shine.

Predictive Analytics in Action

According to one study, a shortage of more than 85.2 million skilled workers worldwide will exist by 2030. As automation and augmentations shift change the skills employers need, jobs must be redesigned, and descriptions updated. Competition for talent will become even more competitive. 

Predictive analytics tools can help organizations not only identify current and future skill shortages, but identify where changes can be made and which individuals in the labor force can be reskilled or upskilled to fill skills gaps. Investing in your employees now can help you be prepared to meet future demands.

Don’t Look for Perfect Candidates – Build Perfect Teams Instead

HR departments, recruiters, and COOs are happy to embrace a more data-driven approach, but two out of five professionals simply don’t have the data or the time to surface actionable talent insights. Intelligent tools, like recruitment AIs, can help pull out actionable information about your current employees and potential candidates that can be used to drive transformation, and they can do this by dramatically increasing your recruiting ROI.  

By understanding key data about your best employees or top matching candidates, you can match the right people to the right positions in your company, shuffling until all the pieces fit and the puzzle is complete. Forget about finding the perfect candidate for a flat, two-dimensional job description, and focus on well-rounded profiles that tell you more than just the basics. You can use extra data and insights to build a team that is stronger than the sum of its parts.   

How Censia Can Help Deliver Actionable Talent Insights 

Censia’s solution to resume and application overload is to create detailed bios for your existing and potential talent, letting you see more than just a list of competencies. You can discover the multiple facets of each worker, including their character, background, and experience beyond a listing of previous job tasks and companies worked for.

Find out if a candidate is loyal, or a rising star. Censia shows you the career trajectory, identifying key moments and experiences that could benefit you (has the candidate gone through hyper-growth, and IPO, or an M&A with a previous employer?)

Evaluate competitiveness and team-building abilities. A background in collegiate sports and significant revenue generation combined with working successfully on a team recognized for collaboration are both potential signs of a competitive candidate. 

Use Censia directly in your company ATS to implement Instant Applicant Ranking, an effective way to swiftly pull the top candidates to the top of the stack. From there you can proceed directly to the interview phase, knowing you’ve gained the insights you need into the makeup of your highest ranking choices. AI-based insights are an accurate and unbiased way to swiftly source the talent you need both now and for the years ahead

Further Reading

What Kinds of Talent Insights can AI Deliver?

Censia’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


What Kinds of Talent Insights can AI Deliver?

Forget the Glass Ceiling. Here’s how to fix the Broken Rung.


What Kinds of Talent Insights can AI Deliver?

The 5 Most Effective Talent Management Strategies


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